About Us
Thank you for visiting our website. Please visit the areas below to learn more about our story, our beliefs, our team, or to send a message.
Our Story
Rockwall Christmas Company is a family owned and operated business by the Fisher Family. Located in the small, Texas town of Rockwall. Our family loves all things Christmas and especially, decorating the house together.
Beliefs & Values
Our mission here at the Rockwall Christmas Company is simple. We want to make the world a little brighter and merrier by sharing the “reason for the season” and the joy of Christmas with people around the world.
Community & Giving
We believe in being an active participant in the community. Our goal is to support local initiatives when we can. In addition, a portion of every purchase will be donated to organizations supporting Foster Care youth.
Meet the Family
Meet the family and their roles behind the Rockwall Christmas Company. Learn why Christmas has a special place for each of them.
Contact Us
Please see our FAQ before contacting us as many questions can be answered there. You can login to check on your order status. You can visit shipping information for more details on shipping.
Social Posts
Come join us for fun, design ideas, humor, and news on our social pages including Facebook, Instagram, and more!!!